Monday, September 12, 2016

This is happening.

I have so much to say and so much to keep to myself. I have a ton of blog drafts with words I tapped out with passion then shied away from sharing with all of you, My 5 Kind Blog Followers. But today it's happening. It might not be too passionate or revealing, but it's getting posted. Tonight my house is quiet. My littlest man is asleep in my bed, the next two had an early bedtime due to behavior that screamed "I'm tired," the oldest two are reading in bed, and Dave is on his monthly gym visit. So it's just me and when it's just me, and it's quiet, I find I have a lot to share.

Mandatory Baby Update 
(because he's growing so fast!)
In just a couple of days Zander will be 6 month old! We are all in love with this guy. He looks just like baby Haven did, except his ears stick out just slightly, just enough to be endearing but not enough that he'll need to grow into them. The kids are constantly in motion to entertain, distract and perform circus tricks for him. He rewards his brother's and sister's shenanigans with easy smiles and laughs.

Family Life Update
Just before the escalation of back-to-school we took a family vacation. From the moment we walked into our digs for the week and everyone was super impressed with my find -- which looked better in real life than in the pictures! -- to the end, it felt like a sweet end to a challenge of a summer. Some highlights were evenings on the beach with the kids, delicious food, and late night talks on the balcony with Dave. Now, I'm telling you it was sweet and it truly was. But don't believe for a second that our kids behaved like angels or we didn't have an argument about something menial or that one night at dinner I just wanted to be there without 4 little mouths asking 4,000 questions and I muttered to Dave, "These kids are really cramping our style." because they were, as kids have a tendency to do. So it was us and it was togetherness and it was near the ocean, so even with hiccups it was fantastic.

Well, Dave is home, distracting me with questions. I will leave you with a request. I hope to spend more time writing: I've always loved it and it soothes me. So, if you are so inspired, give me a writing topic. There are no wrong suggestions!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Baby Z. A little post cause I'm a little tired.

We are four weeks into life with baby Zander. He is hairy and tiny and beloved. He looks like a kitten when he's just waking and when he's tired he curls into a heap on my chest. Here is an interesting tid bit: transitioning a fifth child in = easiest transition. So far. But as I said, we are only 4 weeks in and he sleeps about 20 hours a day. Also, his four waking hours are mostly during the darkest part of the night so my judgment could be suffering from sleep deprivation.

I remember when my oldest son, Haven, was born how long those early weeks were. I remember dreading the night because I knew I would be tired but would not sleep enough. It isn't that now I love to be woken a thousand times per night, but I know for sure that this phase is short. It is only a matter of months until he will sleep for longer periods and then start to eat solid foods. I know this because this is my fourth time doing this. But you know, when I was a new mom to infant Haven if somebody told me, "Oh it goes fast. And PS, you'll do this with 3 more infants" I might have flipped out a little bit. Because when my mom told me "it'll get a little easier once he is 6 weeks old" I was 95% sure I would not survive the first 6 weeks of parenthood.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Everybody's Hungry Every Day

Today I want to talk about food, because I am a food person. I just finished a lunch of spicy corn chowder and spinach quiche, really enjoyed it and just want to share my excitement. I have some ideas, so here you go.

I find everybody has their homemakery thing that they really enjoy and are good at. I love to shop for, prepare and eat food, food and more food. Even when I'm not pregnant. Food is the thing I mostly keep up with on a consistent basis. It could be because we literally have to eat to survive that this has become such a priority. Or it could be that Dave and I both enjoy it and were raised by parents who love cooking and eating. Either way, it's central.

Here is what I do:

1. Plan. I am not naturally a detail person, but motherhood has forced me to hone this skill. I much prefer to go with the flow and hope for the best. Unfortunately this leads to a lot more stress than planning does, so I've tried to plan things more. If I get myself to 4:45 PM without a pre-established plan for dinner I can promise one of two things will happen: everyone will eat plain pasta or we will drop fifty bucks on take out. Either are fine occasionally, but terrible night after night. My plan includes a list of 7-10 dinners for which we have all of the ingredients. Then it takes about 20 seconds to decide what to make when it is time to start cooking.

2. Shop online. I just have to force myself to sit down and do this every 7-10 days. I use Shoprite but there are different regional options. For $6 I can select my groceries online then pick them up at the grocery store door. I guarantee I save that $6 and more by not wandering around the store and throwing all kinds of random, junky crap into my cart.

I save additionally by checking out what is on sale, then creating dinners based on that. Which brings me to the next step.

3. Use the interwebs and your kids for inspiration!! Most people have several go-to recipes that are tasty and quick and they make over and over and over. Wonderful. We have those too. I like to try new things or even just a new take on the same old thing, so I often use online recipes.

So, maybe your favorite fish is on sale this week. Google a recipe, add all of the ingredients to your virtual cart, and boom. Done. I usually email myself a list of links to the recipes I decide to try. This saves me from running to the store and spending $85 on something for dinner and then a "couple" other things we could use.

For a shortcut on the menu plan, sometimes I ask the kids or Dave what they'd like to have for dinner that week. It takes some of the thinking work off of my plate and the kids love when it's time for the dinner they chose. I can get 5 ideas out them in no time.

In all it might take me an hour or 90 minutes to plan and order our groceries for a week or so. It alleviates a ton of weeknight stress, so to me it's worth it.

I guess it's really pretty simple but it makes the craziest time of my day (4-6 PM) a little, tiny bit more sane. Plus, for all my hard work, I get to eat food I like.

Have any tips to add?

Saturday, March 05, 2016

When I was pregnant with Haven I kept a weekly blog. It's so cute! Maiya also got her own blog, but with fewer entries. Probably because while she was no less amazing, pregnancy was less surprising and new. My pregnancy with Tristan got a few entries on the blog I already had (this one) and Baby #4 has had only a few references. So. This one is for me and him. Because in years to come, I'll be so glad it's here.

It is 5:00 AM and I'm awake because there are so many heartbeats in this house and one of them loves to wake me up at least once per night. Usually it's our cat. Tonight it was first Tristan and then our cat. After putting Tristan on the potty, in my bed, I fed the dang cat, put him outside and was then wide awake. So I lay in bed awake, pressed between two snoring dudes who both seemed to think the whole king size bed was for them, for an hour. I finally gave up and let Tristan and Dave enjoy their rest while I found something else to do.

Tonight Dave and I are going to a party which starts at 7:00 PM, which is exactly my typical wind down time. So this early wake up call might turn out to be even more of a bummer. But maybe I'll get a nap. I can't even type that with a straight face. I will not get a nap.

This pregnancy has been the easiest and the hardest. With every pregnancy I experience new weird things, all of which I decline to list. This time, however, it is the itchiest skin you ever did feel. I am covered in scratches. However, I have not had sciatic pain and I did not get that linea nigra (yes, I had to google that, no I'm not that technical - it is the dark line down the belly). I am generally uncomfortable and whining is my main mode of communication. As the doctor flatly told me: "everything has been stretched out multiple times, so it's going to be less comfortable. Stop getting pregnant if you don't want pregnancy symptoms." Okay, okay, he didn't say those exact words.

This pregnancy is similar to my pregnancy with Maiya because sitting for long stretches of the day is not an option. Energetic toddlers are not big fans of sitting mothers. This time around we have 2-year-old O with us (our precocious, I meant to say precious, foster daughter) and there is no slowing her down. She thinks it's hysterical when I call her and she runs in the opposite direction and the term "quiet hands" turns her hands manic. She loves to find the markers the older kids leave out and she can climb better than this guy:

So, I should probably thank her that I've only gained 30 pounds. Because the way I've been eating, I deserve a whole lot more. Fortunately she doles out a whole lot of energy and needs to refuel for 2 hours every afternoon, so I have a built-in rest time for myself and Tristan. We sit on the couch together. I read and like all of your posts on Facebook while he watches shows I would have NEVER let 3-year-old Haven watch (like Phineas and Ferb).

Another thing that has made this pregnancy easier is that I have help. I have three little servants who do whatever I ask them to without complaining and they do it impeccably. Okay. What, nobody believes me?! Okay, fine, they complain and make faces and do it halfway, but they are WAY more helpful than they were when I was pregnant with Tristan four years ago. For example, they vacuum and clean the bathrooms. Which is exactly why my bathrooms and floors are not clean an ideal way, but more of a theoretical way.

All of this to say that this pregnancy went real fast. Every time I complain that I have so much longer to go, a week or two fly by. The last time we had a sonogram the tech guessed that this is a big baby. Each of mine have been gradually bigger, so we'll see! More to come...