Haven turned red and was immediately covered in sweat when I put him in his crib. He screamed, kicked off the blanket and abandoned Dangles. Unsure if he was tired enough for a nap yet, I decided I would get him in ten minutes if he was still enraged. Several minutes later the crying ceased and he is sprawled out in his crib, reveling in dreams. The angrier he is when I put him in bed, the faster he falls asleep.
This will be my last four-day work week. My last day was scheduled to be Friday, but my boss asked if I would continue working 2 days a week while a coworker is on maternity leave. I asked for a small raise and agreed to stay. As of next week, I will work only Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have all sorts of illusions that my apartment will always be spotless, dinner will be fresh and healthy every night. I will research the latest treatments for my clients and implement them seamlessly. Haven and I will spend our days taking in the sunshine and attending play groups. Next week, I become Super Woman. Stay tuned.
I love Valerie's idea of planning the menu for the week on Monday. I think I might do a theme ("Like a cafeteria?" Dave asked) menu. This will help me wade through my cookbooks. For example, Fish Monday, Crock Pot Tuesday, Around the World Wednesday, Leftover Thursday. I can't decide about Friday. I'm just excited about next week, when I will be able to solve this one easily. When I become Super Woman.
I think Haven is awake. He takes micro naps in the morning. About twenty minutes. I leave you with this picture of Haven in a super cute shirt Marcia sent from Holland (thanks Marsh!).

well... at least u know i will never come over on a monday for dinner now ;o)
sorry for the last comment... i shuddered when i read the word f*sh monday and couldnt resist ;o)... love u guys
Haven is SO BIG in that picture! wow. What a cutie...
I do the menu thing too. People think I am crazy but it helps me organize a grocery list. It also helps right now because I am a flag corps advisor at the high school and we have had practice every night for homecoming and now for a couple of competitions we are going to. Craig can look at the menu and start getting supper ready for me so we can still eat at a decent time. Good for you being able to cut back on work days. You know what this means, MORE TIME FOR BLOGGING!!!! YEAH!!!! :)
Me too! Me too! I want to be
SuperWoman. Alas, I realized years ago the whole idea, when the potential for greatness became a reality (ie. I stopped working outside of the home) that I failed miserably. Maybe YOU can do better and give me some pointers?
As for Friday...maybe pizza night? My friend does boxed pizzas every friday. After cooking all week, a break is good.
I LOVE your idea of themes though. Maybe I, too, will venture out into the world of menus. ???
are we going to have a chicken patty day or pizza friday? I would also like to put in a request for those strawberry shortcake ice cream bars, and butter crunch cookies.
doh christin took my pizza fridays =( O, and can you wear a fish net cap and grow a beard? =P
O and sorry for all the posts, but i would like some of your readers to come to my blog. thecardines.com =)
bb4real this time
but jen updates waaaaay more often than u do, dave. pizza fridays sound good although ice cream night sounds even better ;o)
that may be true, but does she give out free candy?!?! NO! I THINK NOT! Does she give out advice on how to make sure your double chocolate fudge brownies come out amazing? Umm... no. Does she share stories on her encounters with orphaned chihuahuas on the streets of NYC?!?!?!
heh... if you answered yes to any of these questions, you are sadly mistaken! BUT if you come check me out, you may find one or none of these... Cmon... IM A HUMAN TOO YA KNOW!
Pizza Friday sounds good (you know, cause we all get to vote on YOUR menu plan!) :) We like to have a backwards meal around here every once in awhile. We start with dessert and go from there. How about a make your own sub night?
Let me know how that super woman thing works our for you. If you get all of your things done I have a list of to do's that is long over due. :)
oh, it sounds like someone has blogger reader envy. Your blog is great too, Dave. It is just that Jen updates hers more frequently which means...you suck. Just kidding.
What a great name! And such a cutie.
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