When Dave plays softball on Saturday afternoons, Haven cheers. Both teams can hear it. His cheer is a loud shriek: "Daaaaa!" Dave waves at him from the field and hi-fives him between innings.
I love sharing all of this with Dave. A lot of people love Haven, but nobody shares the obsession of every tiny milestone the child reaches like two parents. I love talking to Dave endlessly about our baby. We sometimes miss all of that alone time we used to have, but this season offers new bonding material, more of life to love together.
I think Dave has unique traits that make him an exceptional father. He's kind of like the scent of lavender; you can't help but relax when he's around. I hope that our kids inherit the peace that Dave eminates. I hope that they are as confident about the future and fun loving as he is. I hope that when they are older they realize the enormous gift Dave is to them from God.
I hope that Haven always laughs with Dave the way he does now. I pray that they are close
I guess that I say all of this to say one thing: I am thankful. This is what resonates within me. There is some chaos and I have fluctuating emotions, but the deep and lasting truth is that I am thankful.
I really enjoyed reading this.
You are getting so close to the end of this pregnancy! I hope you're getting a chance to rest as the time approaches.
Can't wait to hear the good news about your little girlie!
Thanks for this baby.
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