Friday, March 27, 2009

Springtime at our house

"Ooh, ooh, child, things are gonna get easier..."

A few months ago I used to sing/yell this song to myself when my days were chaos. Babies change so quickly, don't they? Already dawn has broken.

Last night Maiya slept for 11 hours straight. I, however, woke up at least every two to look at the clock and make sure the monitor was still working. Don't you worry, I'm sure I can adjust.

Yesterday Haven ran to the bathroom door and yelled "pee!" I put him on the potty, which has been little more than decoration the past couple of months, and he produced a respectable amount of pee. We talked about it all afternoon and he proudly told Daddy at dinner. I realize it may be months before he's doing this consistently, but I'm proud of his start.

These small victories chart our progress out of the wildnerness of sleeplessness and showerlessness.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Penny - er, a trillion - for your thoughts

Dave and I voted differently from eachother in November. Mostly because I am an idealist and he is a realist. This difference bodes well for our family, but not so well for our making an impact in the vote tally.

Anyway, our big topic of discussion lately has been government spending. I like to think it is a means to an end - a good one - while Dave thinks it is a power trip. I like to think that the money is going to creating much-needed jobs which will in turn improve our economy. I hate to think that it's just a bunch of fat cats buying bigger pent houses while a ton of middle class people lose the homes they worked for years to buy. Hm ... I'm starting to feel more cynical already.

Dave and I had tons of fodder for our discussions last time I opened this blog for political comments. So, let's open it again. I think that I have an array of political views among my readers (all 5 of you) and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Bring it.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Haven's vocabulary has exploded in the last month or two. It's been tons of fun to hear his thoughts. Well, mostly fun.
Yesterday we were in the grocery store and he said (what I think was) "Daddy just pooped! Daddy just pooped!" over and over and over. Lucky Daddy wasn't there to be mortified.

He put his first 4-word-sentence together. I was feeding Maiya at the table, I got up to run to the kitchen for something, and when I returned he said, "Her want more please."
He got a ride-on motorized bus recently, a belated birthday gift. I told him we had a special surprise for him and we gave it to him when Dave got home from work. He had a blast pushing the button to move forward and honking the horn. The morning after we gave it to him he was sitting at the table eating cereal silently. All of a suddent he said, "Bus! Daddy!" I guess he was thinking about the night before.
He is so cute (in a two-year-old way) at bedtime. He knows how to grab my heart. He stretches those giant eyes wide open and just when I'm going to leave him in his bed, says, "A'other song?" "T'kl T'kl?" He wiggles his fingers and I give him an enchore of Twinkle Twinkle.
The funniest thing about him talking is that I act like he's fluent in the English language. Most people, however, don't even understand when he says words like Thanks (t'x) or Up (ahh-bee). I guess I can add interpreter to my ever-expanding list of mommy skills.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Notes from the moutain people.

Yesterday we had a window salesman visit us. I asked for it. I made the appointment. You could argue that it's my fault. He was at our house for almost 3 hours and provided us with a host of information that was irrelevent when he finally got to the bottom line. Throughout his banter he made it clear that his windows were high end and that they just weren't for some people. I guess he thought we were "some people" because he made a few patronizing comments about blue collar workers and how his company sometimes sells windows to people who own homes that cost as little as 250k. We had not given him the price of our home, so I guess that was his best guess. I wanted to say that we were proud of our house and that we worked hard to buy it and we still work hard to own it. It's our first home and while it may not be very flashy, we're happy with it. But before I could get those words out, he was criticizing our windows (the ones we were not looking to replace) saying he could easily push them right out of our house.

This was obnoxious enough. But we were turned off only a few minutes after he arrived. He showed up early and said "Sorry I'm early, there's nowhere to hang out in the woods." Then he walked into the living room and said, "You guys are mountain people up here!" Maybe he said this because I was changing Maiya's diaper in the living room. I'm sure that didn't help.

Before he left he asked us a million questions about bears and if there would be one waiting outside by his car. We told him they were hibernating but I'm not sure he knew what that was.

It turns out his windows are for some people, some people that aren't us. They are high end and we aren't going to stay in our home long enough to make it worth the investment. We'll keep looking until we find someone with windows that suit our budget. And our decorum.