Dave and I voted differently from eachother in November. Mostly because I am an idealist and he is a realist. This difference bodes well for our family, but not so well for our making an impact in the vote tally.
Anyway, our big topic of discussion lately has been government spending. I like to think it is a means to an end - a good one - while Dave thinks it is a power trip. I like to think that the money is going to creating much-needed jobs which will in turn improve our economy. I hate to think that it's just a bunch of fat cats buying bigger pent houses while a ton of middle class people lose the homes they worked for years to buy. Hm ... I'm starting to feel more cynical already.
Dave and I had tons of fodder for our discussions last time I opened this blog for political comments. So, let's open it again. I think that I have an array of political views among my readers (all 5 of you) and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Bring it.
The value of the U.S. dollar is shot to hell now. I am a tad bit frightened... and yet my trust is not in the mighty dollar or this world. I don't think that printing $1 trillion dollars will help anything. It makes our money a lot like monopoly money, at this point.
That was my 2 trillion cents.
Clearly, something had to be done and done quickly or we would be in the beginning of a depression that would have made the 1930's look like a boom time. That is why the first round of bailout went out the door so quickly. Of course some of it was wasted, that is the nature of fast action.
The problem now is, how do you get the patient better after you clear his airway and get him breathing again?
Obama says, Kensian (sp?) ecomomics will do it. Private secor isnt't spending, Corporate sector isn't spending, so it falls to the Government to do it, and spend they will. Keynes thought that it didn't matter much what the government spent on, just get the money out there and all will be well.
Well, we'll see. Rosevelt tried it during the last depression, and it worked for awhile, but would have sputtered out if WWII had not come along. Maybe it will work this time, but it IS a long shot.
Time will of course tell all, but I would not skimp on good camping equipment in case things go bad.
[crickets chirping]
What happened to all your fans CARDINE?!?!
I'm so not politically minded. While I have definite opinions, I can easily get mowed over by a well-read teenager any day of the week concerning the workings of our nation.
No. not proud of that in the slightest. Just saying is all.
BUT I can say that even I, the simple minded, can see that spending a bazillion dollars pulling out large corporations from going bankrupt (MY money, I might add) doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Let them go under. make them do what the rest of the country does: budget wisely.
spending money doesn't you don't have doesn't work for a family...so why should it work for the government? (the national debt, at this moment, is $22,000 PER PERSON)
Are you kidding me?????
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