Friday, May 29, 2009

Few things, as random as my days.

  • We had a fun Memorial day weekend with my Dad and Gail. We also visited my Mom while we were in the area.
  • It is sickeningly ironic that the same week that I finally get the stroller of my dreams, I see a bear every single day. at least once.

  • Maiya has a few words: all done, hi, banana, mama, dada. Tonight, after some intensive coaching, she said Hi Dada.
  • Today I said to Haven, "Do you want to see where you came out?" and realized that if I had not had a c-section, this is not a question that I would never ask him.

  • My friends from playgroup and I have come up with a great idea for a reality television show. All I will tell you is that we think it's going to be hilarious. I'm sorry to be so secretive, but I don't want anyone to steal the idea. So, watch your listings for what is sure to be a smash hit.
  • Since I'm freaked out about the bears and our laundry is only accessible by going outside, we have approximately zero clean clothes.

  • I love this picture of my mom and Maiya:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Question for moms...

Maiya loves to nurse. I've loved it too, but I want to wrap it up in the next few months. She'll be 1 in July (wow!). She eats other foods pretty well and she enjoys water and soy milk. So ... I'm looking for suggestions. I tried to get some info online, but all I found were articles about the benefits of extended breastfeeding and how traumatic it is for a child to be weaned. Great, helpful.

My plan is to drop one feeding every couple of weeks until she's done. Currently she nurses once before each meal and once before bed and usually once in the middle of the night. Will this work? Any suggestions on which feedings to drop first?

Haven weaned himself, so this isn't an experience I've had. Suggestions are welcome!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I wouldn't say that education was on the top of my parents' priority list. We were homeschooled, which might lead one to believe the contrary, but the reason for homeschooling was more for our moral benefit than academic. Not once in my childhood or adolescence was I pressured to succeed academically. Perhaps that was why I was able to enjoy college; one thing I gained from homeschooling was a love for learning.

My sister, Jessica, and I were basically homeschooled forever. We had a few jaunts in traditional schools, but for one reason or another we always returned to homeschool. There are things we feel we missed, not socially because we had totally rad friends in our homeschool group, but educationally. I don't say this to berate my mother's efforts. It's just a fact that when it is one person's responsibility to supply a complete educational package for twelve grades, somethings will be missed. There are obviously ways to avoid this, as modern homeschoolers know. I like to think of my first family (to distinguish from my second family of Dave, Haven and little m) as pioneers of the modern homeschooling scene.

So, it is a wonder that Jes, Rebecca (who was homeschooled until grade 6) and I love college. And we are good at it!

For example ...

I send out a HUGE congratulations to Jessica for earning her Master's degree! My co-lover of education graduated today and Maiya and I were there to take in the accomplishment.
Nice dress!

Good job, dude!

Maiya didn't quite make it through the ceremony.

Go Jes!
(aka Jessica Kruse, MA)