I learned a lot and felt mostly that I was vacillating between lost and found. That's why I had little to put on this blog. I could have filled it with stories, but my thoughts were too far gone to sum it up without giving more of myself than I wanted.
I will attempt to end the cryptic speech now.

I took a 12-week course on personal finances. I learned more than I can say, and I think Dave and I will look back on this summer as the time that we made changes in our personal finances that were significant. The course covered issues from budgeting to giving to insurance and lot more in between. It's the type of stuff we all should have learned before we got jobs with real salaries (or at least before we quit our jobs with salaries to stay home with our kids). If anybody wants info on it, let me know. I think they offer classes nationwide at different churches and organizations.
Finally, and importantly, my baby sister, Rebecca, got married this summer. The sister I
remember as an infant got married. The sister who made us all laugh and hammed it up every time she had a chance, danced her little butt off at her wedding reception and left a married woman. Her husband is a really cool guy (who Dave would have liked to wish "welcome to the family and good luck, you'll need it" in his toast if everyone had a sense of humor to accommodate that, but Dave wasn't sure). So, I have my first brother-in-law and the kids have their first uncle, well, by official relation that is. Congrats to Bec & Phil!

There will more posting on my part, I miss this blog. Thank you for coming back to read, if you have. Hope you also had a restorative summer.
so glad you are blogging again, Jen--love your blog.
and...this is me "wanting in" on that personal course on finances...Where can i sign up? and do they have something online for those of us who have joined the circus and now travel around, living out of suitcases?
wait, what? there was a summer?!!
So glad you are back. I have missed your posts! We too took a form of Financial Peace University classes and are now credit card debt free! Its a wonderful feeling! Glad you had a good summer and can't wait to hear more!
Hi Jennifer, thanks for your comment! What form did you take? I didn't know there were different kinds. And how did you know I was talking about fpu?
i missed you. we have to get together and discuss your summer.
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