In one of my first memories of her, she and I are walking back to our dorm one night after we watched the X-Files with some friends. She says she would only wear a bikini on her honeymoon and I think, This girl is gonna talk about marriage all the time. Doesn't YWAM really stands for Young Women After Men?
As it turned out, Lori had plenty to say about things that had nothing to do with marriage. She wrote songs that made me want to sit in the loft of our dorm and drink hot chocolate while daydreaming about the complicated goodness of life. At our ages, we were at the cusp of self discovery. I was wide-eyed and innocent and she was thoughtful and grounded. Our personalities were so different that we quickly developed a tight bond. We could see eachother's blind spots. We brought a balance to the other person.
A few days before the school was over, my Mom called to tell me that my parents were separated. Lori knew the difficulty of divorce and she listened to me and hugged me and promised I would get through it.
The past ten years have held marriage and a baby boy for each of us. We stood by the other in our weddings (the photo of Lori is from my wedding - doesn't she look stunning?). We swap truths about motherhood on too-rare phone calls. While our lives hold some differences, the warmth of her friendship will always be familiar. We have not see eachother in almost three years since we are separated by about 900 miles and busy schedules. One day we'll visit again and our kids will play and we'll drink hot chocolate (spiked with a little espresso, I imagine).
Now, Lori, I just have one question for you: did you wear a bikini on your honeymoon?