I cannot believe how much he understands. He loves to climb the stairs, but I only let him when I hover on the step below. When I say, "Haven, do you want to go upstairs?" he drops whatever he's doing and runs to the bottom of the stairs. While I was making dinner tonight, I grabbed something out of the fridge and the door swung back open. I said, "Haven, would you close the refrigerator for mommy?" He walked to the door and started to close it (until he saw the eggs were within his reach - but it's the thought that counts, especially at 14 months old).
He understands tone. I could use the phrase, "Haven, what are you doing?" in several ways and by the expression on his face - either guilty or a big smile - I can tell that he understands why I'm asking.
His expressive communication isn't too shabby either. So far, his words include: all done, dog, more, mom, dad, and cricket (our cat). Ok, I'll admit, only Dave and I recognize some of those words, but we're impressed. I think he's got others as well, but we're still deciphering them.
I know he'll be a fun big brother. He already plays peek-a-boo using a hat, the laundry or whatever he can find. I have also taught him to put something in my mouth to make me stop crying and plan to utilize this skill of his with little H2, if she takes a pacifier.
He loves to eat, which makes cooking for him a joy. Some foods he likes are blueberry pancakes, blueberry muffins, rice, meatloaf, grilled cheese sandwiches, broccoli, cauliflower, black beans, chili and the old stand by, pasta. He also doesn't mind food with a little spice and had a great time eating at Thai place recently.
He's just come through a phase of great protest to baths and diaper changes. That was not fun. I think he has finally accepted that hygiene is important.
His personality is still pretty laid back, though he has started to throw a few tantrums. He likes to walk around the house with a pen in his hand (or any pointy object he can find, you know, we just leave 'em lying around for him) and taking the pen usually results in a brief tantrum. If he is hungry, he literally hangs on my two legs while I cook and whines - what fun! I'll say it again, though, I'm pretty sure he's an easy baby.
Finally, my favorite, favorite part of every day with him is reading and singing before his nap times. He runs over to the papasan chair, curls up with me and we read stories. We then go in his room and he puts his chubby hands on my shoulders and his head in the nape of neck and I sing to him. Suddenly, in those moments, a part of me is alive that has never been before.
Don't really know what to say.. just loved this post. :)
I'm so glad you're recording this stuff; it's delightful!
And it's perfectly acceptable for you to brag about your adorable little boy. :)
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