I lifted this picture from my Dad's website, courtesy of my stepmom's photography skills. That's me, my Dad and Maiya, and my sister Rebecca with Haven.
I've been reading in all of my spare time - meaning, the middle of the night. I just finished Made in the USA by Billie Letts. She also wrote the book-turned-movie Where the Heart Is. They're fun reads. At about 2 AM last night I started a Jodi Picoult book. Her books are usually pretty intense. I'm so tired I can barely put a sentance together, so please understand why these are not more thrilling reviews.
What else? The nurse laughed yesterday when, at my check up, I asked about birth control. I had just lugged two babies up two flights of stairs, put Maiya's carrier on a shelf where Haven could not reach and tackled Haven into my lap so he would not explore the trash can labled Medical Waste Only. I could hardly breath. You'd think I might ask, "How much weight, exactly, can I lift without my incision ripping open?" Nope. I asked about birth control. I quickly added, "I love these guys" and smiled broadly. I wanted to go on to explain that I think I will be a the best mom I can be if I have a few years off from making more babies, it's not that I don't like babies, I love them, I just want to be a good mom, help me, please! But I figured that was too much information for a nurse I just met.
Okay. That's all for now. More coffee please.
The honk and holler opening soon is a good Billie Letts book. Although, I loved where the heart is more. I loved Vanishing acts by JP but wasn't fond of The Tenth Circle.
You're funny. A friend of mine asked her Dr about birth control while she was still pregnant. She got some funny looks with that one. :)
birth control? What's that?!! Seriously, why doesn't anyone ever tell me about these things? *wink*
I can hear you saying what you wrote to the nurse. It cracked me up.
Love ANY news you give on your blog. xox
babe... could you have found a better pic? Haven looks like hes 100 lbs!
Hang in there! One day you will look back and wonder where the time went. I hope you are resting better!
way to go little mom of two!!!
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