Haven's adjustment to Maiya has been relatively smooth. I could not tell what he was thinking until one morning, a few days ago, when he and I were the first ones awake. I got him out of his crib and he ran out to the living room and looked in Maiya's car seat and then in the bouncer and then up at me - confused. Yesterday, when I took a moment to check my email, I saw Haven traveling between his bedroom and the pack n' play - where Maiya napped - back and forth, back and forth. When I looked in the pack n' play, Maiya was surrounded by her socks.
Haven can reach her sock drawer and must have thought either her feet were cold ... or she needed to keep her socks out of his room. Hope it was the former.

Maiya looks a lot like Dave's side of the family, I think. She has jet black hair and long fingers and toes. I think she especially looks like Dave's mom. What a beautiful girl, if I do say so myself. It's hard to describe how I feel about my little girl. I think so much about the things that we'll do in years to come, I imagine what it will be like for her to have me as a mother, I think of all of the things I hope that she finds in me. I think of the things that I want to help her to develop: a relationship with God, a good body image, confidence, how to pick friends, a sense of humor... She's lying in my lap nursing right now. Looking at a new baby is as close as we can get to a glimpse of the future.

Additionally, I am not as blindsided by the looks of my body after this second birth. Of course my arms are riddled with bruises and my abdomen is puffy and wounded and my eyes are dark with fatigue. Of course. But it is temporary (except, maybe, the puffy abdomen). Maiya will not always weigh less than 7 pounds. She will not always nurse 4 times a night. She will not always nurse. I am going to enjoy this season. As I watch my 17-month-old son tear apart the house I nurse his sister, I am aware how quickly this infant stage passes. I just want to treasure it.
I realize this is not the attitude I may have tomorrow, or in an hour, or at 3:30 AM, but generally this is how I feel - all is good. This season is one to embrace.
I love this post! You are such a great mom to Haven and Maiya and I'm proud to have you all as family :)
I can sense the peace that you have as i read this blog, jen. and believe me, peace IS a supernatural thing. You have a beautiful heart and and beautiful daughter!
That Haven gets cuter all the time. I love how he brought Maiya her socks!
Sounds like you have the Mom of 2 thing down already and you are only in week 2. I'm sure there will be more to learn, but you seem to have a wonderful outlook and are treasuring your time with Haven and your nursing time with Maiya.
jen...she's beautiful!!! i can't wait to come see you guys and help out sometime. i got your message. i just got back from new hampshire with my mom and darbs. i'm so happy for you!!!
Ah Jen I wish I could be there to meet Maiya! Someday perhaps we can walk through livingston mall again :) Maybe she will like me like Haven did!
A beautiful post. You have a great perspective. Keep pressin on.
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