This is the face of an angel. Yes, I'm one of those moms. Shamelessly proud of my babies. I finished the post about Maiya and could not stop thinking about all I would write in a post about Haven. So here I am again.
This child brings so much laughter to our family. I've mentioned before his love for music. Before I put him in his crib I sing him a couple of songs. If I sing a song he particularly likes, he says "More?" every time I stop to take the quickest breath. Jesus loves me this I know - inhale - "more?" for the Bible tells me so - inhale - "more?" and so on, throughout the song. It makes me laugh every time.
Today was his first alone play date. I told him a few times in the car where we were going and that I wasn't staying with him. "And Maiya?" (He always wants to know if Maiya will be present as well.) I explained he would be there with his friend and her mommy. He had a fun time and was in a great mood when I picked him up.
Somehow, he is almost 2 years old. He has little fits, but generally he's mild mannered. He loves to help and he has two chores: feeding our cat and putting dirty diapers in the trash can. He loves to watch football with Dave. He loves to play catch and says "good catch!" and "good throw!" He sleeps with the little stuffed characters from the Backyardigans and calls them his "guys."
He's dramatic - how could he not be with us as parents? If we tell him no his whole face scrunches into the saddest little expression for a moment (maybe he's hoping we'll change our mind?) and then he cries. He's distractable though. Usually "The Wheels on the Bus" song cheers him up in no time. Distractions, prevention and positive reinforcement have been the most effective discipline techniques with him so far.
I love this little guy. Can't stand how cute he is sometimes. I'm so proud of the little man that he is.