If we can drive to Florida and back with two children under age 2, we can do anything. Dave and I, we're invincible. Bring it on, world.
That is not to say we weren't beat on Sunday night. We pulled into our driveway, motion and fast food sick, after nineteen hours of driving. I should clarify that Dave drove while I fended off tantrums with snacks, elmo, songs, more elmo, books, and play-it-again elmo. "I guess road trips are when you throw all of your parenting skills to the wind." I said to Dave, when we, after a brief stop, had bribed Haven to get back in the carseat with a lollypop. He sat in the backseat, his perfect lips turning blue from his first lollypop experience.

Maiya's first Thanksgiving!
We spent Thanksgiving week with Dave's parents, in northern Florida. Granny spent lots of time holding Maiya and playing with Haven and the kids enjoyed tour after tour of Grandpa's farm. Dave and I got to out alone - we got haircuts. It was so great to be with family and I remembered how nice it must be for families who live closer to eachother.

Maiya's induction to a game-playing family.

My little boy who could not walk the last time we were there, this time incessently begged to go see the ducks, to go outside and sprinted and jumped his way through the week.

A highlight of the trip for Haven.

Maiya's first reading lesson with Grandpa.
Awwwww... loved all the pics! So I see Dave is starting Maiya early on Texas Hold 'em strategies!
Glad to hear you survived the drive. The things you do when you're still young! haha.
Wow, that IS a long trip! Glad you made it back safely.
The pictures are so cute. :)
things learned about driving to FL:
DVD Players = omg THANK YOU ELMO!
GPS in FL stix = only God can navigate better!
Stash of lollipops = definitely must have!
cheap plane tickets = priceless
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