It is not 7 o'clock in the morning yet. This is not a time when I am typically awake. Haven and Maiya have been sleeping until at least 8 o'clock for a while now, so when Maiya woke up for the day at 5:30 this morning, it took me a while to accept it. She is in the bouncer now, playing gently with the dangling toys and smiling at me whenever I look at her. I think she's sleepy. I know I'm sleepy. I also know I'm spoiled to think that I should get to sleep until 8 o'clock in a house with two kids under two years old.
Throughout the week so many things run through my mind. They are topics I would like to further explore here. I want to sit and type them out until they're clear. However, I barely have time to think a complete sentance, much less publish a paragraph to my blog.
Anyway, here are two topics I hope to write more about soon. They're on my mind.
First of all, my experience in yoga. I've only gone for about a month. I knew I would love the stretching and balancing exercises, but I was curious about the spiritual aspect of it. I feel like God is showing me a lot through yoga. Nobody has to agree with me, but that's what I feel. Not to mention, the room is quiet, my kids are taken care of, so, it's very easy to pray and listen for God. When I am at peace, relaxed, tranquil, it is because of my hope in God. It's because I know Him and trust Him. It is only natural to me that that is where my mind would rest when the teacher suggests that we consider how we are doing spiritually.
Secondly, I want to write about parenting. I want to list what I know so far (maybe just so that I can get a laugh in the future). The more parents I meet, the more parenting styles I find. I, like any parent, want mine to be right, at least for my children. I do feel that I know some things, though. I somehow manage to feel semi-competent most days. I know where my resources are and I use them. I have clear goals (give my children a good self image, set them on the path to know Jesus, teach them responsibility, teach them to enjoy life, etc). I also learned a few things getting that degree that's gathering dust on our desk. So anyway, I want to write down my parenting philosophy, mostly to see how it changes over the years.
Well, more on all of that soon. I hope.
I look forward to reading your "what I know as a parent" post. I love learning tips and hearing thoughts from fellow mamasitas.
I happen to think that picture is a classic!! they are SO stinkin' cute!!!! I didn't realize how similiar they looked until that picture. Not that I've seen them together in person or anything.
Unless you count when she was inutero. *wink*
You are a brave woman--wanting to post your parenting philosophies to see how they've changed--but I'm totally with you. I wished I had done that, cuz I've had people echoing back what they percieved was my philosophies--I don't think they ever understood me, though.
In regards to the yoga--I think you are right on. God for it. Hearing from God at this stage of the game is hard... so get that quiet time whenever and wherever you can!
I'm missing a few letter on my keyboard so forgive the misspellings and what not.
OH OH! I hit a nerve and got deleted!
So much for free speech and mutual respect!
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