Thursday, March 13, 2008

Entertainment & stuff

I am reading a couple of great books. I'll elaborate once I've finished, by for now, they are Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller and Sex God by Rob Bell.

Through our cable company, we receive two free tickets to the movies on Tuesdays nights. (If anybody from home group reads this: this has nothing to do with why we asked to switch home group from Tuesdays to Wednesdays. Absolutely nothing.) Anyway, Dave and I have taken turns since that's easier than arranging childcare. A couple of weeks ago I saw Vantage Point, which was mediocre and that is all I'll say about that. This week, Danna and I saw The Other Boleyn Girl, which was intense. Though I'm not usually a fan of historical fiction, I found the story gripping. I have never associated with anybody so desperate and shameless for power and this story about the controversies in birthing a male heir for King Henry revolved around just that.

Haven and I have had some fun lately. We joined a playgroup on Thursday mornings and he has successfully avoided a beat down by the older kids. Mostly, he loves running and crawling around the giant room. I love the conversation, mommyese at it may be, but mostly I love that Haven can roam around and there is nothing for him to destroy or be destroyed by.

I think that the weather will break any minute now and I can't wait to explore the trails around our house. Is it safe to put Haven in a back carrier while I'm pregnant? Our pastor and his family were missionaries to Tajikistan before they started the church and she told me that in Tajikistan they work pregnant women harder so that the baby will be strong. This is what I tell myself when I wonder if I'm going to literally break in half when I lug Haven, his diaper bag and three bags of groceries in from the car. Of course, I am then rendered useless on the couch, but at least I got us all inside.

I hope to have an excuse to put down all of this indoor entertainment very soon. This winter was long for me. It has only been a couple of weeks that the majority of our yard was not covered in some variation of snow. I can enjoy my books and movies, but in my heart, I'm an outdoor girl.


Christin said...

Love the random. :)

It's so crazy to me that you (and the rest of the country) got so much snow when we DIDNT!! Whats up with that?! was amazing here. 70degrees! And no, that is NOT the norm. It's been freezing, just now when it's been rainy (ie. the time it would be snowing).

so hopefully you'll be getting some of this weather soon!

Karenkool said...

I put the toddler in the backpack while being pregnant with the next many times. Just keep in mind that your body parts are stretching and more flexible. Be careful not to over do it and... idk... get a hernia or something. That's never a good thing.

Yay. The outdoors. I love DLS time when the sun is shining later in the day. WOOHOOO!

jes said...

hey i just read sex god too! lets talk about it. did you like it?