I can calculate our progress by remembering doctor visits since Maiya was born. At those first couple of check ups, not only was I unable to remember percentiles spouted to me by the nurse, but we were late and unbathed. Haven was unable to cross a parking lot holding my hand because he was just too slow, so I hooked Maiya's car seat around my arm and him on my hip. I lured him away from various no-nos with whatever snack was in the diaper bag. When Maiya got her shots, they both howled. Some memories of their babyhood will be okay to forget. Today, we began what I hope was an upward trend. We were on time. We were all wearing clean clothes. I had even showered. Haven walked into the office. He played contentedly in the waiting room. In the exam room I had to discourage his kissing the monkeys on the wallpaper, but otherwise, he safely entertained himself with a toy car throughout Maiya's check. When she got her shots, she screamed for just a moment and puckered his lips and dropped his eyebrows in a frown, and then returned to the toy car. Sometimes aging is beautiful.
In other news, my exercise classes prove to be awesome. They're worth the weekly hour of babysitting torture (I exagerate) to attend them free. So far I've taken one pilates class and one yogalates class. I took ballet for many years and the difference I see so far is that pilates aims for strength and balance, while ballet pinpoints precision and competition. I have to say at this point in my life, I strongly prefer the former. The classes are a little bit like going to a spa that not only relaxes, but brings fitness back to my life. I'm sure I will write much more about this soon.
In closing, I send many wishes for a happy, happy first birthday to baby Lauren!
1 comment:
love it
love it
love it.
total progress! i had two morning showers this week myself! today, not so much..............
but there's always tomorrow!
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