Thursday, July 02, 2009

Happy Birthday, Maiya

My little girl is one year old. I have a million feelings about that, including pride that Dave and I survived our first year with two children, and serenity that the toddler years are in full swing. That's right, I said serenity and toddlers in the same sentence. While infancy is cute in many ways, I embrace the new level of independence brought into our lives by toddlerhood.

Back to the person of the day. Maiya is wonderful. It's so easy to make her laugh. She loves to be in the water. She is brave and resilient. She is dramatic and, I admit, has me wrapped. She loves to flip and I wonder if she'll like gymnastics. She's intelligent; I can tell by the level of focus she gives to anything that captures her interest. She loves fruit. She knows what a pirate says, and a pirate says "arrrr."

My little sunshine, I couldn't love you more. Happy First Birthday!


jes said...

nice! I just posted a blog on maiya too! she has fans all over the place. your hair grew so much in just one year.

Jen said...

I noticed how much your hair has grown too! Funny. I can't believe she is 1 already! They grow up too fast and change so much. Happy Birthday Maiya!!!

Dave said...

That first pic is.... special... =)

Jen said...

Dave - both giving birth and being born are not known to flatter even the most beautiful women.

Maiya - I think we look awesome.