Today it starts. Today is the culmination of all of the books I've read, lectures I've heard, hours I've studied and mock sessions I've acted in puruit of my Master's degree in psychology. Today begins The Internship. It will last for a year. I met with my supervisor yesterday and we reviewed the clients with whom I will start today. This is exciting.
I hope it isn't painfully awkward to keep the session going.
I hope I'm not too young-looking (not the kind of thing I normally hope).
I hope I don't panic.
I hope I can get over my insecurities and empathize.
I hope I remember the stuff I've learned.
I hope I don't get beat up.
I hope I don't say "like" a lot.
I hope I look like both a professional and someone who cares.
I hope I keep good boundaries.
I hope.
jen, you are a born therapist. you are in your element in this field. be confident, because you have every reason to be.
If you were a man, I've heard it's really effective to shed a little empathetic tear upon hearing a client's story. I don't know if that would work as woman.
I can't wait to hear how your first day went!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!
Not that you would ever break confidentiality...
Karen, stop asking me for every little detail!! Just kidding. Things went very well! I LOVED it.
All you gotta be is yourself. (aww, how clinical pysch did THAT sound of me?) but it's true. People respond to that. People feel comfortable with that. Somehow if you have some sort of guise up, they can sense it. Like dogs.
Have fun bringing healing to the masses. *wink*
I'm sure you're doing amazing at your internship!
I finally found the link to your blog and I'm slowly catching up :P
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