My morning routine pre-Haven:
- Wake up at 7:00 AM.
- Shower
- Pull something from the closet that semi-matches
- Dry hair, apply make up
- Grab some food (leftovers, a can of soup)
- Kiss Dave, who is still sleeping
- Leave at 7:20 AM.
- Arrive at work with time to eat breakfast and check email at my desk.
Morning Routine with Haven:
- Wake up at 6:00 AM
- Sneak out of bed with the hope that Haven won't wake up (yes, he's still sleeping in our bed, leave me alone about it).
- Shower
- Pull something - anything - from the closet because by now Haven is awake and ready to eat.
- Set Haven and myself up on the couch with breakfast (thanks to the dear, sweet boppy).
- Grab a baby outfit and shake Dave until he wakes up and agrees to dress Haven.
- Comb my hair, apply mascara (haven't looked at the hair dryer in a while).
- Gather bottles, breast pump, any needed blankets or outfits and stuff them into their
respective bags. - Make myself lunch - it's gotta be semi-healthy if I'm ever going to lose these baby pounds!
- The Goodbye Show commences. Haven and Dave make faces at eachother, Dave and I both try to get Haven to laugh, I kiss Dave and the show ends.
- Carry Haven and our three bags out to the car.
- Arrive at day care, set Haven in a swing, kiss him all over his face until he smiles, tell him "I'll see you at noon" and tell Sandra when he last ate.
- Drive around the corner to work and go directly to the coffee in the break room.
Things change.
"Things change." They sure do!!! I can totally relate. :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog. How did you find me?
I'm looking forward to going back and reading your old posts on this blog and your pregnancy one. What fun!
Haven is still sleeping in your bed??? HAhaha jk. That picture with this post def sums it all up! I'm glad your blogging in the midst of it all. Yay!
i'm probably still sleeping by the time you're having lunch in the afternoon.
haha, lucky me ;)
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