It was hot, hot, hot yesterday, but I was just happy to experience it. From the confines of my windowless office, I often have no idea what the weather is throughout the day. I can wear long sleeve shirts in July and knee-length skirts in December because the temperature at work is consistently a nice-but-not-exciting 70 degrees. Yesterday, however, Haven I broke a sweat for a change.
After we met with my internship supervisor, we went to the city to meet my sister, Jes.
Sidenote: "The City" is what people in Jersey call New York. This was weird for me at first, since I grew up near Philadelphia. I once referred to New York as "The City" when speaking to my Pennsylvian-Grandma and she said, "Which city, dear?" It's almost as if people here don't think there are any comprable places in the world, also due the term city. No, it's not almost like that, it's exactly like that.
So, we're in the city. We had lunch at a vegan place and then took the train to Central Park. I spotted all sorts of fabulous strollers. Let's face it, cool clothes aren't what I notice anymore. I asked one woman about her stroller and she named an expensive boutique when I asked where she found it. Ah, yes. Upper Manhattan. Not the place to swap money-saving tips with local moms.
Jes and I talked. This is what I love about time with her. We talk. Usually in circles. Usually accomplishing nothing. But we get it all out and we understand eachother. Haven also adores Jes; she's always been able to make him smile. She pulled the grass out of his mouth when he discovered it in the park, she held him while I ate, she comforted him when he whined.
Dave had a meeting in the city yesterday, which was perfect and unplanned timing. We got to all meet for dinner and then Dave drove home - I love to hand off city driving off to somebody else.
I skipped my evening class, which was a final and brilliant highlight of the day.
Oh how I love reading your blog. Makes me want to say "lets meet for coffee". Even though I don't 'do' coffee. So THAT's saying something.
Hugs to you
I want to come to the city! I would love to move there but I know Craig never would. I hate small town life most of the time. I want to be able to go to a Broadway musical when I want, an opera, or anything other than a tractor pull. No, I don't usually do these things but thats about all there is to do here. I envy you!
Jes can always make me smile too. It sounds like a super fun day. Minus the sweating part.
You sure picked a hot one! But I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Ah jen! What a great day in the city. I sure do miss those. . . thanks for sharing!! and its hard not to use that term anymore cause people say "what city" just like your granma.
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