Janet, Andy, Andy J and Connor ventured up from Delaware to see us for the weekend. Janet, Andy and I became friends while working at Christian book store in our teens. When we were 19 Janet and I got our first apartment, in which we grew up a little and had a lot of fun. A couple of years later she married Andy and I started dating Dave. With an affinity for computers and us, the guys clicked. We call them our friends, but they are more like family we got to pick.
Haven could not take his eyes off of Connor. When we went to dinner the seven of us packed into

Janet and I have always been able to laugh together. One time especially sticks out for me. We were both single at the time. We went to Denny's and an older man asked Janet if she just got her hair cut and told her it looked great. She was thrilled. I had actually just gotten my haircut that day. I became indignant and then we disolved into uncontrollable laughter. How sad was it that we wanted this older (read: at least 60) guy to compliment us. Seriously. Maybe you had to be there.
Anyway, I hope our little guys always laugh together. It's good medicine.
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