When I visited Haven at lunch today, an employee at the daycare brought in her 3-week old daughter. Haven sat on my hip with his arm slung over my shoulder as we stared at the tiny face. She told me breastfeeding was torturous, I promised it would get better. She look exhausted, I felt like those first weeks were just moments ago. Her baby yawned, Haven giggled.
I've learned so much about him since he was that small...
Haven is six months old. He loves to see new things, his eyes are constantly wide. When I nurse him, his arm reaches for something to grab--my necklace, my cereal bowl. He curves his fingers around whichever he finds stays like that, arm suspended above him. He can sit up alone for about 25 seconds before he falls forward or to the side. He only rolls over when I do half of it for him (shift his shoulders or hips) and he cries when we leave him

on his stomach. When he is happy he kicks his legs up and down in unison. (He must have the
best abs under that baby fat.) When he is interested in something his eyes get
bigger and his mouth turns into an O. He spits out any vegetable but sweet potatoes and oatmeal gives him gas. As does who-knows-what-else. This child had the stinkiest gas of any I've ever smelled (except maybe my brother's). He sweats intensely in moderately-hot weather. He sounds like a motor when he is uncomfortable. Usually he is content, though. He is not interested in television, except for one time when he had a fever, he watched Babar for about 15 minutes. He loves music and sometimes it sounds like he's humming along. He looks like a china doll when he sleeps. He has a birthmark, like mine, on his forearm, like me. We have the same blood type. He doesn't like the mall but he does like the city. He can hold his bottle. He will put anything in his mouth within arms reach. He will charm you, you don't even have to let him.
Happy half-a-birthday, babycake!
...there are no words to say. You said it all. :) I love being a mom...and sharing that experience with you, if even only on the internet.
Isn't it wonderful... even their grossness is delightful in a way, nothing can be too offensive from a tiny chubby person! there is no feeling like being the mommy for your little one(s).
AwwwwwwWWWwWWwwwwwWWWW!!! I wanna to see him. I'm gonna abandon my family and come for a visit!! ;-D Well, maybe after the summer. You and Haven should steal away some Tuesday evening for an all-day Wednesday here!!! (Dave can come too)! hee
What a cutie petutie!!! I just want to squeeze those cheeks! Isn't it amazing how fast they change? Hey how is everything going with work, your internship, buying a house, wow you are busy. Today is a day that I wish I didn't have to work. Its not real busy here and I have so much I would like to be doing with my kids. Anyways, have a great day!!!
haven is amazing....that little face is so adorable and your right about his eyes....they are so bright and alive...abbagael loves the city too! let's let them meet for lunch in the city....of course the mommy's can come too!
Ah i can't believe its already been that long! I think Haven and I will get along lovely when I come back to visit. :) Malls=bad City=yay!!
Hope you guys are celebrating tons!!
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