This might sound weird, but sometimes if I'm having a hard time with something, I think about what I would say to a client in a similar situation. It helps me to be a objective. Also, it helps me to remember how easy it is to rattle off suggestions when I'm not the one who has to follow through with them.
So, therapist-me to client-me would suggest focussing on the goal and on peaceful things. I might suggest taking a few minutes to relax before tackling the overwhelming situation. I might suggest deep breathing, because breathing is important. So, here are some relaxing images for me...
This was taken during a camping trip with Jim, Patti, Rachel, Joey, Kevin, Melissa, Jes, Danna, Manuel, Kevin and Abbagael. That's a happy time to remember.

I took this picture of my sisters one day last year while we were at the park.

I took this picture of my sisters one day last year while we were at the park.
Of course, I can always go back to this moment for a bit of tranquility.
As for the goal, I can think about the time when we are moved in and we are sitting in front of the fire and Haven is playing and everything is in order and neat and in one house. That sounds nice.
Yep. take it from someone who has had to "counsel" my way through three MAJOR (cross country) moves. Just focus on what's at hand. dont' think about any other room. Just focus and do it. Get er done. *wink*
It's all worth it. Your cozy home awaits you!!!
One room at a time, on box at a time. And have a HUGE box at the end for everything that you find on moving day that somehow did not make it into a box. :)
A box of wine may help--haha.
What a beautiful place! I love the log look.
Saturday night...I am sure you, Dave and Haven are exhausted right about now. I sure hope Haven sleeps well in the new place.
Wish I could be near enough to bring over a casserole or take Haven for a bit. But my thoughts are with you.
Welcome to your new home.
We are are getting another camping trip in the works for next year for the whole gang (plus more). That was such an awesome time! Want to make it an awesome tradition together!
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