Here we have the kitchen. Daddy just put up that huge cabinet over the sink cause even with all this space, Mommy said she couldn't fit all the stuff. See those pots in the sink? Mommy claims she can't find the dish soap. Good one, Mom.

This is the office/guest room. Since Daddy painted it green, everything Mommy unpacks that is green goes straight to this room. That box is the one Mommy left for Daddy to unpack. I said I'd do it, but she said no (she knows how I am with wires). This expression is me trying to convince Mommy to let me at the box.

This is our living room. Notice the picture of me in the middle of the mantle. I'm famous.

This is the best room of the house. Mine. Sometimes Mommy reads to me in that chair (you can't see it too well) but mostly I just sleep and get dressed in my room. I love it. I have two huge windows.

No, wait! THIS is my favorite room. Mommy and Daddy's room. As you can see, Daddy hasn't put his drawers in the dresser yet and Mommy hasn't gotten that bedding set she wants, but I don't care. I just wish I could sleep here every single night of my life. I have no idea why they won't let me. See that gate by the bed? That's for the nights I do get in here!
That's about it! Thanks for visiting me. Hope to see you 'round my house sometime. I love company!
SWEET house! Love the living room...looks so inviting! Especially with that cute little guy sitting all alone.
I LOVE your house! You have such an adorable tour guide too.
I so remember those days of unpacking. It's a bittersweet process, especially with kid(s) at your feet.
I hope to see you soon! I'm keeping my schedule open so we can get together whenever you have some free time. :)
So you post a "baby envy" blog and then you jump to a post with this adorable kid showing us all around your cute new house... how are we not to fall in life with that little guy? I was really convinced that it was him showing us around.
Is that snow outside Haven's window??
Haven, you are such a cutie. I love the house. I can already picture it with Christmas decorations! How exciting, Haven's first Christmas and the first Christmas in your new house. You HAVE to post pictures once you decorate! Hope everything is going well.
This post had me laughing out laud. Especially the face that is trying to convince you to let him at the box. HA! Your house is fantastic. It does look so cozy and inviting. Mike and I are trying to find a house too. Good luck to us.
WOW! Haven, I love your new house! Abbagael can't wait to see it and help you hang out by that cool fireplace with the "fam". We are loving seeing the great time you guys are having getting settled in.
What a fun way to show off your house! I LIKE the dark wall color in the kitchen a lot.
I hope you have a great time as you continue to settle in and make the space your own! :)
ok guys i can't wait to see the house!! I will be in town from dec 13-16th!! Hope we get some time!!
LOVE it! Looks very inviting and so cute. Thanks for the tour Haven, you did a great job!
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