Probably best as a gift at a baby shower, this book is easy read. It's ideal for the new-mommy-brain-haze. I read it in one day and though I love to read, I'm typically kind of slow. It reads like an email from your best friend; irreverent, honest and what would be too much information if it were from anyone else.
Since my first year of motherhood is coming to an end (Haven is 10 months old already!), there were stories that brought back memories (that I've probably supressed) and others that made me say, "Oh thank God that didn't happen to me" (e.g. hemorrhoids).
Motherhood is such a common experience. It doesn't matter what your life is like, where you live or who you are. I think ALL new moms experience certain situations. For example: waking up at night to make sure the baby is still breathing, desperately hoping you are making the healthiest choices for your baby, feeling nestalgia about your pre-baby marriage, feeling a sense of protection and responsibility you could not have imagined.
Baby Laughs is a fun read, especially if you are in the baby phase. If you're headed to a baby shower, pick it up at Borders, where I found it on the bargain table for $3.
Awesome! Thanks...as I have lots of friends who are either trying or preggers with their first. :)
I love the idea of that book. Hmmm. Maybe... I will write a book about parenting teens using the same concept. Oh, the stories I could tell! And have told.
Please do write a book so that I know what to do when my kids get that age!!!!
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