A house becomes a home once it hold memories.
We had our first weekend guests - Janet, Andy and their two boys. We managed to keep their boys (ages 2 and 4) from rappelling off of our loft and Haven from getting trampled. Haven was thrilled to have little people around, I was thrilled to have big people around. We talked and played games and ate; our typical routine.
Janet and Andy are some of our only friends our age with kids. As I've mentioned, Janet and I were coworkers as teenagers, then roommates and have been great friends for years. One thing we have always done together is laugh. We were in tears, laughing about how much we sometimes crave a break or some time to ourselves. She said that she sometimes wishes she would get sick enough to stay in bed for a couple of days. I said I was looking forward to when we have our next baby because I will get to relax in the hospital for 3 or 4 days. A child brings such a dichotomy of sheer love and total exhaustion. It's confounding, isn't it?
Janet and I did get a nice break on Saturday afternoon when we painted the town red and left
the three boys with the Daddies. After we shopped, I showed Janet our one and only cute local coffee shop. Dinner was almost done when we got back and all of the boys were happy (kids and adults). I think we've got it pretty g-o-o-d. This picture of us is pretty old, but lately the only people that make it into our photo shoots are under 3 feet tall. >>

Later, the four of us were talking wistfully about getting away with just our husband or wife for the weekend. We were talking about how magical it would be to sleep in one or two mornings. Janet laughed and said, "Listen to us! We can't wait to get away alone together so that we can sleep." This was when Andy made the brilliant comment: "Sleep is the new sex." Nobody could disagree with that one. We're just in that phase of life where sleep is the rarest treasure.
Thanks for visit, friends! Happy parenting ... and happy zzz's.
I totally understand!!!!! I would love to have a day where I had no kids around and could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I agree that sleep is the new sex. I'd rather sleep these days!!!!
Don't worry. This phase will soon pass. The other day, Jet and I actually slept in until TEN!!!! The oldest girls were downstairs playing quietly. and the youngest was in the bed, sleeping and talking off and on.
Hmm, sex and sleep are two of my favorite things.
Hahahah! Sleep is the new sex! That cracked me up. Get it while you can... sleep and/or sex because suddenly the kids become teenagers and are keeping you from both all over again. I'm thinking it'll be nice when we turn 60.
HEELLLOOO! When I had Nicolas I didn't leave him for the weekend until he was 16 months (for a wedding). With Cristian, however, I anxiously dropped off both boys at "abuelita's" when he was just 3 months...and Erick and I headed to St. Pete beach for 2 1/2 days!!! The 1st night we were in bed by 10pm and we were SO EXCITED the next morning when we woke up at 10:00 AM !!! The whole weekend was about catching up on sleep and time to ourselves. Sex = no thanks; sleep = yeah, baby!!
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