Friday, April 11, 2008

This week.

I've got an apendage we'll call Haven, so this might be brief. It is after 6 o'clock. We've eaten. Cleaned up. We look forward to when Daddy will be home. Right now, Haven alternates between repeating anything that makes me laugh and standing and smiling very close to my face. He's so cute that it's hard to resist a throw-down tickle session. But I'm so tired.

Haven and I went to Delaware to see my friend Janet and her fam for a couple of days. I love Janet. It's fun to be in the baby-phase (or daze) of life together. She said she's surprised at how much I love being a mom. I agree, nothing has baffled me more. I knew I'd love my children, but I wasn't sure I'd love the huge and constant job of motherhood. Turns out, I sure do (most of the time).

I realized on my drive home that I haven't told Janet what an amazing mom she is -probably because it is so obvious to me. But encouragement can be one of the most beautiful gifts. So, Janet, I was going to send a card, but I'd rather make a public announcement: your mom skills are remarkable. I hope to be as carefree yet conciencous are you. I hope to live the level of commitment to my family and my faith that you do. Thanks for all of the notes along the way!

It did take me a while to finish this post - about 48 hours. It's now Sunday night and we've had a relaxing weekend to top off our week. I have my Master's project to work on so I logged onto blogger for a distraction. Dave started softball this weekend and I wish I had taken a picture of Haven is his sun hat (and, if you must know, one of Dave in his cute baseball pants). I could write about my two guys all night, so, I'll simply say, good night.


millay said...
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millay said...

By all accounts, you´re a pretty awesome mom yourself Jen! I had this totally random dream last night about you. For some reason I was selling you all this furniture, i had like a ton of it and you were at my place picking some i said, random! Too much Peruvian water I think! lol

Karenkool said...

Yay for you both. Yay for all the young moms. Young mothers UNITE!

Jen said...

THats wonderful you got a chance to go visit your friend. I think all moms alike get so busy doing the day to day routine that they forget to take time for themselves. Glad you had a good time and are all rested up!