My 27th birthday was a fun day spent with Jes and Haven. We went shopping, had bagels and water ice. Dave brought me flowers and I'll go pick up my gift when I have a chance (we picked out our own this year). I felt loved and secure and happy.
It was a great day and another is coming quickly! Moving day. We still say, "We think we're moving." When do you know for sure? Anyone? I'm thinking we won't know for sure until closing. So far everything is in place for us to close next week and move by the end of the month. Today I decided I better start packing.
Crap. We have more than I thought. I've already filled 8 boxes and only cleared off one book shelf, the media shelf and part of the linen closet. When did we buy all of this junk and would I miss it if I dropped it off at the Salvation Army instead of our new house?

Happy happy birthday. I got stumped this weekend trying to think of something special for you, and the anxiety short-circuited my brain. Doh!
Congrats on the start of your sugar fast. I know--I'll send you some baby carrots. Or how about gourmet cheese?
I laughed at that last part..."in their own way." Yeah. My way is not really doing it. hee hee
No...I'm going to try to avoid the basic sugars. It just takes me a while to really gear up. Maybe by the time you're FINISHED with your "month off", I'll just be starting mine. ;D
Happy Birthday Jen! Hope it was great. Good luck with the no-sugar thing. You are a much stronger woman than I!!!
Hey Happy Birthday! We celebrated our 9th anniversary on Wednesday!
Just so you don't know 100% for sure that you are moving until the last document has been signed at closing. We had our entire house packed and ready to go in a truck in my driveway and the night b4 our realtor told us that it wasn't going to happen!
Well, after many angry discussions with my realtor (and some yelling - since my water and electric were being cut off the next day)my agent found a way for us to close. Not to scare you, but it can happen!
Anyway, good luck and congratulations!
I failed already. My sister was home yesterday and we had pizza. DOH! I am starting over today but I am with you on this. I want to get really skinny before my 30th birthday in December!!! Wanna come to my party?! ")
Nickernoodle, I never said I was giving up pizza. No siree. This isn't a diet for me, this is just staying away from specific foods. For me. Just FYI. So maybe you're still in?
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes everyone! (anybody know how i can delete that weird comment above this one?)
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