As Haven is able to eat more foods, I scrutinize my own diet to see what I am teaching him. I collapsed on the futon after work yesterday with a tired Haven nursing in my lap and a package of Oreos. I flipped on a Tivo'd
30 Minute Meals and soothed my hunger with half a row of cookies. I may give Haven a healthy diet of organic fruits and veggies now, but it is only a matter of time before he's sitting on the couch before dinner, gorging himself with Oreos?
I've decided that I am going to challenge myself with a little goal. No sugar or fried food for one month. I tried to get Dave in on it, but he said he'll only do it if I make it for one month. He's sure he will never have to. I'm sure he will. This will be a great exercise in self control for me and I'm sure it won't hurt my waistline. I plan to start October 9 (purposefully, the day after my birthday). So ...
Does anybody want in?
There will soon be bets taken on http://www.thecardines.com. it will be close to a 30 to 1 spread, so if your a gambler put some bills on my lovely wife! =) Good Luck babe
nice support from the hubby, eh? *shakes head* no worries jen, i've got ur back and am with u provided the no sugar thingie doesnt include icecream. on second though, honestly, what doesn't have sugar in it??? :o/
Well, you can count me out!! No thanks. hee.
Yea, that would be just like my husband to take bets against me (he knows my love of food all to well)...and you know what?! I am so stubborn it would make me more determined to do it!
I did think about this for about 2 minutes, but, I just can't promise I will...I want to, but that would mean no b-day cake for me (17th).
HEY!! You know, Jet's mom did this not too long back and LOST a TON of weight. Like 10 lbs in a week. I've done a fruits/veg. fast before...and that cuts out a lot of the sugar but not all. Fruit and all...
Crazy, cause I'm in the midst of wrtting a post about my sugar habit. hee hee
Email me if you want some tips on how to get through. Jet's mom did a lot of organic type stuff to satisfy the cravings.
...and I MAY just want to hop aboard. I know I've been thinking about it. :D
Whatever, Dave. You just hope you don't have to do it!!
Yes, Tara, it includes ice cream. (:
Karen! Is this because I didn't jump aboard when you were so fanatical about juicing?
Tracy - how about you DO join me and plan to break it for just one day on your birthday??
Christin! Yes, hop aboard! Do it! I guess I should have specified processed sugar, because I'm still planning to eat fruit. 10 pounds a week!! Wow!!
No sugar AND fried food? Wow, thats bold of you. I think I"ll pace myself. I can do without the fried food. That one shouldn't be hard - the fair is over. :) I am addicted, truly, to ice cream. I'm sure there is a meeting I can go to and a 12 step program to join.... but I'm not at the point of wanting to give it up. I'm hooked. I will however try not to smother anything in chocolate, sneak the kids cotton candy, or go for some M&M's as a mid day pick-me-up.
Keep us posted on how you are doing. Hope you win the bet!!!!
I'm in. I want to loose a ton of weight before my 30th birthday which is Dec. 30th. I will post my success once a week. This will keep me honest anyways.
Great!! We have 1.5 people doing this with me (Christin, you're the half, until you decide, haha).
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