Haven still coughs like an old man who has smoked all of his life (the doctor said it would hang on for a couple of weeks...), so I kept him out of the nursery. We sat in the service until he would not be silenced by the finger foods I offered. We began what has become our Sunday morning ritual: wandering the halls.
Along two stretches of the main hall were paper plates cut into the shape of hearts. On the top, each said, "I like me because..." and the child wrote the reason in the middle of the plate. Most of the children wrote things like, "I'm a good swimmer" or "I help people" or "I get good grades." Then, I saw one little girl wrote, "I'm loveable."
I wondered what I would have written on my own plate. I'm a good mom, I'm in college, people like me (usually), I'm a good friend ... what's your answer? So often we feel good about ourselves based on what we do or what other people think of us. Isn't God's love based on one simple thing: I am loveable. Just the way I am.
I'm learning about that kind of grace. It slows me down. It whispers in my ear to stop the rat race of people pleasing. It is hot tea on these Fall days. It is enduring and strong. It is seeing God more clearly and knowing Him better. It strips me of my pretenses and releases me to be.
I LOVE this. In fact, there's so much for me to think about because of it, that I'll have to come back and comment "for real" later.
thanks, my friend.
From what I know of you is: I like that you are honest and admit it when life becomes overwhelming. I like that you are such a good mommy to little Haven. I also like that you will do anything to be able to see your brother. I don't know that I would have folded to the rules of where ever he is so easily but for the love of your brother and wanting him to meet Haven you did. You are a wonderful person and a child of God. Don't ever forget that. Have a great day!
Are we supposed to write what we like about you or about ourself? I'm confused!! hee
You are intelligent! And easy-going.
I am funny and extremely KOOL! lol
Haven is so cute in his bee costume. He is showing a little attitude there--like he wants mommy to take that suit off!!!
you're not supposed to anything (unlike you, karen, my blog has no rules. haha.).
this wasn't a solicitation for compliments! it was an encouragement for anyone who reads it!!
I love the bee costume too! How cute. He doesn't look like he is enjoying it though!
I'm tempted to do this whole "activity" for my girls just to see what they would say. I'm yet to really think about what I would say...somehow I feel like I dork going "okay, I like me because...?" hee hee
AND I love that pic of Haven!! You just want to pinch those fat cheeks. ;)
I like me because I'm a sucker for cute kids. though pinching them may not endear them to me. Hmmm.
GRACE! an awesome word Jen!...I so appreciate what the Lord is doing in you! Some friends & I have been watching the DVD "Captivating" (based staci eldrige's book). It has been amazing experience. The book coming to life in a safe place to experience God and His grace....sharing heart to heart. It truly is 'who' we are that matters! thanx..
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