Since we all know how these tests works, I'll leave the semantics out of the story. We want to have another baby, I thought, during the forever-three-minute wait. We're ready. The truth is that we were thinking another three or four months would give me time to finish school and find a part time job before we had another little dumpling. The second line was bold and appeared before I could finish my thought process. Hey, what's three or four months?
Haven is now almost one year old. I am planning his first birthday party, which will be on Superbowl Sunday and football-themed, of course. (He was born Superbowl Sunday last year.) Pregnancy is almost never on my mind. I remember it like a coming vacation; exciting, but so far away and different from my life now. Next month we will find out if the baby is a girl or boy. It was at that point that I began to feel bonded with Haven because we could call him by his name and use the appropriate pronoun--It so doesn't cut it.
We have decided the keep the name to ourselves until the baby is born. When we decided on Haven's name, the unsolicited input got out of hand. Sorry to those of you who (especially Jes, Janet and Bec!) who did not give feedback and think we should at least tell you the name this time. Feel free to call the baby H2, which is what we call him/her now.
These are the questions I have about this pregnancy and mothering two children under the age of two:
- Will we be able to afford both diapers-for-two and electricity?
- Will I be able to go to Creation two weeks before the baby is due (Creations is a 4-day music fest that involves camping, teenagers and major heat)?
- Could I possible not gain 40 pounds this time and maybe even keep my jaw line?
- Will two cribs fit in Haven's room (because I am not giving up the office/guest room we finally have!)?
- Could I be showing already, at 14 weeks, or am I just that bloated?
- And of course, the worry I hear is as common as exhaustion: could I possible love this baby as much as I love Haven?
You make me laugh.
Diapers? have you owned your house long enough for a 2nd mortgage? ;)
Creation? Ok, judging from my 1 summer pregnancy... that would be a no go. I thought I was going to die all summer long. I was ready to check into a hotel because we didn't have ac at home. I reasoned with Roger... the kids can enjoy cable tv (which we don't have at home either) and I can take them swimming. They will nap so much better in an air conditioned room! Oh, I was SOOO close to staying at a hotel! :)
Showing? I think I was showing before I knew I was pregnant with Nehemiah. Wait till #3! hahahaha
Keeping the name a secret? Good for you! Though I will remain curious for the next 6 months I will be patient. We didn't tell anyone our baby names either. I didn't want to hear "Nehemiah? Well thats an odd name." We heard enough of that after he was born... I can only imagine how bad it would have been if people thought they could change our mind.
I hope I didn't scare you. :)
I loved being pregnant with all of my kiddos... and the cost of diapers is quickly forgotten when you see the cute little hiney that goes in them.
Sorry ~ didn't mean to be so long winded. :)
We couldn't afford the second set of diapers when Nate was born, so I forced Luke to potty train very early. It didn't go well and I think I may have scarred him for life. That's probably why he has given us trouble now as a teenager. It's all my fault!
And I already know what H2 is going to be named! HOCHSTEDLER, of course
Are you kidding me?!!!!
This was only your SECOND pregnancy test? I'll just say that I should have bought STOCK in EPT long ago. Because I can't even count how many have passed through this house!
Seriously, I just can't think straight enough to comment on anything else...I'm THAT impressed with the "SECOND test" bit of info!! ;)
Valerie ~ thanks for the reminder about the summer pregnancy. I'm already hot and there is snow on the ground!
Karen ~ how did you guess?! Darn.
Christin ~ I've bought a lot more than one box of EPT's. This was just the second one from the box of one positive. I actually took the one that was positive with Haven, didn't believe it, and bought another brand! I'm not that intuitive or well-planned or whatever! I've pee'd on many a stick. (:
That last question I asked myself all the time and YES you will!!! Its amazing how much love a mother has. I don't love one more than the other. I love them both for who they are and what they contribute to my life!!! How exciting for you and I pray that this will be an easy pregnancy for you!
Is it possible to love any child the way you love your 1st born? YES!! It's amazing, that your heart can hold them both, but it can. You will love the second child (and any others) just as much...with the same passion and intensity. It's Awesome!!
Sometimes you even love the second one MORe then the first. But then it changes back and you love the first one more. (jk jk)
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