I don't mean to make this a media blog. Sometimes you just gotta say something. My sister played a new song for me by
Kendall Payne during the drive to our Grandma's last week. I could only choke out
Ilikeit, while blinking back tears. That song was
I Will Show you Love. For goodness sake, take a listen. If you have any way to access Rhapsody or itunes, crank in on up. I called Dave from the car to ask him to get it for me. asap. (I would do it myself, girls, but I have yet to navigate itunes. I have my limits.)
The rest of the album, from which this golden little song came, has since played nonstop in my

car and, as a result, in my head. I specifically recommend
Not Afraid to Be Me,
Lines and
Burning Embers . There is also
an intensely sad but hopeful song about the human traffikking epidemic that will probably make you try to figure out what the hell you can do about it. Why are you still reading this blog? Hike your fingers over to some kind of music website and buy this album. If you still need more convincing, continue to read.
There are certain books, such as the aforementioned
Grace (Eventually), that bring me to consider the thoughts I subscribe to. Why do I believe that God is loving and since I do,
how is exemplified in my life? What is it about grace that has me toting it around like a pocket book? How much of what I say is just Christianese and how much of it is evident in my day-to-day life? What a book does this in the silence, music does with a beat. The beat of this album has sunk into me and has my thoughts going.
I'm not saying this album has changed my life. There are just a few people who have done that. I'm not fanatical and I don't endorse everything that I think is trendy or cool. This album put a pause in my heart. I want you to have the chance for that, too, if it's what you need.
ohhh...I liked the little bit I got to hear. Just made me want to hear more though. Such a tease it was. ;)
I liked it too!!!! I am goin to have to buy this! Thanks for the heads up.
love it jen!
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