I enjoyed the anticipation and relaxation of our customary surprise anniversary trips. Dave plans the odd years, I plan the even. This year, we got in the car with our overnight bag and drove to an adorable coastal town in Connecticut. I have not had so much relaxation in, oh, fourteen months.
I forgot to pack my bathing suit, so we visited a local WalMart. Bathing suit shopping is never fun for me. It's usually unsuccessful. It's always cause for a serious conversation with God about my proportions. But, I wanted to swim. So, we dug through the small selection of suits available at the end of March. In Connecticuit. At WalMart. And ... I found the cutest tankini with boy shorts! (I love when a bathing suit is neither old-ladyish nor a constant comprise on coverage.) Anyway, I swam until my ciatic nerve turned me into an old lady. Even in that cute suit.
On Sunday we walked around two local towns and went to the spa. We had the most delicious baked French fries. We ate sea food. We got to focus on us.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Aunt Jes and Charlie stayed with Haven. Haven went on a couple of hikes and experienced a stream for the first time. When we got home, and I took Haven from Jes, he did a few double takes between us. Did he realize she wasn't me?!
Happy third anniversary to us! Here's to three more! (don't worry, that's my little joke i say every year)
Okay, fighting hard not to be jealous that you got away. MAYBE this year we'll be able to do that?!!
How completely ADORABLE that you two switch off planning the anniveraries. Hmmm...maybe this year, I'LL plan something and surprise HIM instead of expecting the reverse. Novel thought. heh heh
What other cool ideas you two got? bring 'em on!
how wonderful to get away! happy anniversary! I often think my girls forget all about me when I leave, until they see me again.
Happy 'versary. Oh being that I was born there I feel the need to tell you that you spelled Connecticut wrong.
So--wasn't it a little cold to go swimming in March in CT? haha. Glad you got away to refocus. I'll join you in the cheers to 3 more good years (and maybe 2 more pip squeaks?)!
P.S. I love the double take thing between you and Jess. My kids always did that with my sister too. They probably still would if we were ever able to visit each other :-(
Mer, thanks for the heads up. I should probably employ the spell check function from time to time, I think I spelled ciatic (sciatic?) wrong as well.
happy third dude! C and i had so much fun watching the haves. i actually wrote on my blog! my every four month update i guess.
and what the heck. you took my blog link off you site! HELLO we're sisters. OOC.
Ou........... im just going to hold that till you link me back onto your site. seriously....sisters.
Wow that sounds wonderful! We never even thought of doing something like this for our anniversary! Very cool. Maybe this year we'll have to do something more than the annual Applebee's dinner (with the kids). :)
this post fills me with jealousy and longing :)
How well did Haven handle being away from you guys? I'm afraid that our little one will freak if we leave her for a day or two.
Jason, I accidently answered your question on the next post.
Ha! I accidentally responded to your response in the wrong post as well.. Oh well!
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