Monday, April 06, 2009

Turn your frowns upside down.

The other day I was reading a parenting magazine while Dave caught the latest sports game and the babies dug through the blocks box. I try not to laugh out loud when I read because it's kind of like having an inside joke and outsiders don't feel good about inside jokes. Well, on this occasion, I couldn't help it.

Dave: "What's so funny?"

Me: "This article is about this mom--" I couldn't stop laughing.

I finally pulled myself together long enough to explain that the article was about a mom of two young kids. It outlined her typical day and then, at the end of the day, her husband asked if she was alright and when she said she was just tired, he said ...


That sent me into hysterics. When I retold it to Dave, I said Why like it was a punch line. He didn't think it was nearly as funny as I did. Then again, tears were practically running down my face.

I was in rare form, laughing at the chaos of my life. It's good to laugh. It's good old medicine to laugh. Another day I might have rolled my eyes at that article and muttered nobody knows the trouble I've seen. But our pastor had recently preached about the pointlessness of self pity, so... Let's face it, laughing is a much more healing resonse.

Some day a shower won't be to me what a day at the spa is to most people. Some day silence will mean the kids are grown and not that they are eating the cat's food.

For now, I will enjoy the ruthless rythem of my day. The kind that renders me unconscious by 9:30 PM. I will laugh about it as much as I can, and when I can't laugh, I'll just try to memorize these four chubby cheeks that somehow just keep smiling.


melis said...

i hear you woman. let's plan a play date..........

Emily said...

Oh, yes. I understand you!

Karenkool said...

"Some day silence will mean the kids are grown and not that they are eating the cat's food."

...or that the teenagers didn't come home all night! >:-/

I could use a good laugh.

karen said...

you can stay up until 9:30?!