Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Plea of Breastfeeding Mother.

Maiya Adisen, we have got to talk. As you might have noticed, I am at your beckon call 24 hours a day. I have nourished you with my own body since the moment your life began, 11 months ago. Yes, I have left you three time since your birth, but when you're older you'll understand how much a couple of hours out alone means to a mother of an infant. In other words, I am working very hard to take care of you.

So I have one simple question: Why will you only smile at Daddy?!

I realize you have a wonderful Dad - I picked him out. Yes, I know he works hard to take care of you too. I realize you look like him. I get it - the father/daughter bond starts very young! But have ya noticed who rolls out of bed at 3 o'clock AM (and 1 o'clock, and 5 o'clock and every o'clock) to give you whatever you want? How about one, tiny flicker of a smile? Please. I will beg. I'm begging.


Davene said...

I can totally relate to this. My youngest son did the exact same thing! My husband, my oldest son, even my mother got smiles from him before I did. Where, oh where, is the justice in that??? :)

I'm sure the day is coming when she'll grace you with a smile...and maybe the fact that you blogged about how she ISN'T doing it will now somehow compel her to do it so that she can prove you wrong. One can always hope, right? :)

Foxy5 said...

Maybe he is getting the smiles, but you work extra hard to get the first word! From now on everything you say to Maiya should be "mama". "Are you hungry?" No, you won't say that anymore. Instead "Mama Mama Mama?"

Hey, all of my kids said Mama first. :)

Dave said...

don't forget she slept on me for 4hrs last night...


i have a way with the ladies...

Rebecca said...

I'm sure Dave is bribing her behind your back!

Emily said...

daddy is a rock star. that's just how it is for little girls with daddies who care, I guess. it's literally like beatle-mania when dan comes home from work, screaming, hands on their faces, dancing with impatience to get their hands on him.