Now, let's talk about those 10 pounds I packed on when I got married two-and-a-half years ago! I can't lose 'em. It's like they came with the package. "I take you, Dave, and ten pounds around my middle ... forever and ever." I'm sure our love for comfort foods does not

Dave and I recently saw a picture of ourselves (which, no, of course I won't post here, just imagine two ridiculously good looking people) from when we started dating in 2001. Dave thought he looked like a starving person. I thought I looked great, complete with a jaw line and everything. Enter Marriage. Let's just say that in photos now it looks like we have a hefty grocery bill and a comfortable couch.
Is this normal? Shouldn't FORTY pounds take a leeetle longer to lose than ten dinky ones?
This lighthearted post due to an over-abundance of contemplation that I won't tap open into this blog right now. Maybe another time. When it's a little prettier. Because, while I've gotten used to my extra ten pounds, I haven't gotten used to the uglier parts of me.
(Did you get the movie reference?)
Take that back! I am still ridiculously good looking! [insert blue steel face here]. You dont hear me bad mouthing you in MY blog do you?!?! Well maybe i should! INCOMING!
hahaha. Dave's comment cracks me up...as did your blog!
And just so you know, I also gained 40 lbs this go round. The last 17 lbs are stubborn and holding on tight!! It gives me hope to know that you're are now off. THANK YOU!!!
Great job losing your baby weight!!! I have no advice for the marriage weight...when you figure it out, let us all know, OK??? :)
I gave up a long time ago! We looked way too skinny when we got married (ok Terry did anyway).
You've been tagged btw. Check my blog.
yeah, well, I gained like 50 when I got married...and still haven't lost the freshman 50 that I gained.so count your blessings. You guys are hot anyway.
I think you're gorgeous! I mean...you look like me ;) teehee. But seriously, I think it's awesome that you lost your pregnancy weight, I hope I can too when I'm preggers.
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