Friday, May 04, 2007

The beginning...

When my son cries I say, "It's going to be okay, it's alright..." sometimes to him but mostly to myself.

What if it is going to be okay? What if there is peace and there is a way to save this earth? What if we can heal and we do? What if you spent the day thinking of everything you're doing right instead of all you're doing wrong? What if ...

I love to walk. I've had the best talks when walking beside somebody. There is room to breathe, yet, it's still person to person. Hands are inches from eachother. Tones, breath and expressions are right there. Walkers keep pace with eachother, they have to. I think this physical synthesis lends itself well to that of the heart.

So walk with me. Let's share hope.


merry said...

yippeee.nice new blog.

Karenkool said...

WOW! Those words... they are profound, and I really needed to get a little breath of fresh air.

I'll walk with you, my friend. Thanks for coming back. :-)