(Here is with grandpa, whom he obviously loves.)
When he's tired, he can't handle anything and everything is a crisis. His face scrunches up and he throws his head into my chest.
He only cries if he's hungry or tired or sick.
He loves his aunts and they can make him laugh until he almost hyperventilates.
I think I've spoiled him with organic baby food. Beech Nut was on a great sale, so I bought a few jars and he will have nothing to do with them.
He has no teeth, which is perfectly fine, because he still nurses sometimes.
He loves blueberries.
Ever since Cricket (our kitten) joined the family, he had a new level of motivation to locomote.
He is afraid of dolls.
He is not only unafraid, but intrigued by heights.
He reads people. I find he likes the same people I do and is wary of the same people that I am. Maybe he's just copying me, but I think he's got a sense for people. (Maybe that's just me being a mom and thinking everything my child does is amazing, but, maybe not.)
He wants people to recognize how cute he is. He stares and makes faces until someone makes a fuss over him.
Sometimes he moans "mamamamama" when he is unhappy.
He loves to lounge back and put his feet up - in the high chair, in the shopping cart and in the stroller.
He loves his aunts and they can make him laugh until he almost hyperventilates.
I think I've spoiled him with organic baby food. Beech Nut was on a great sale, so I bought a few jars and he will have nothing to do with them.
He has no teeth, which is perfectly fine, because he still nurses sometimes.
He loves blueberries.
Ever since Cricket (our kitten) joined the family, he had a new level of motivation to locomote.
He is afraid of dolls.
He is not only unafraid, but intrigued by heights.
He reads people. I find he likes the same people I do and is wary of the same people that I am. Maybe he's just copying me, but I think he's got a sense for people. (Maybe that's just me being a mom and thinking everything my child does is amazing, but, maybe not.)
Sometimes he moans "mamamamama" when he is unhappy.
He loves to lounge back and put his feet up - in the high chair, in the shopping cart and in the stroller.
(In this pic he's with Aunt Rebecca.)
I always thought babies were pretty cute, but I had no idea they could have real personalities at such a young age.
Dave ... want to add anything?