Yesterday was our (Haven and mine) glorious day off from work and daycare (worcare? dayork?). I had a meeting with my internship supervisor at 9:15. I walked out of the house with a pacifier, my binder, purse and Haven ... but no keys. The door locked behind us. So, I missed the meeting and we watched the birds until the landlord opened the door for us an hour later.
We then hit up the grocery store - a giant Shop Rite my friend Danna introduced me to. It's like a maze in there and they literally have everything. Try to think of something they don't have. I bet they have it. I took my sweet time wandering the aisles, too long I guess, because Haven cried the whole way home in hunger.
He took a long, lazy nap all afternoon while I did the laundry and dishes and finished watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. When Haven woke up he was in a great mood - he is adorable when he first wakes up. He unscrunches his body, reaches above his head and straightens his knees like he's just been born again - not in the Christian sense, in the literal sense - finally able to unfold after months in the womb.
We played for a little while and he giggled and squeeled. This new development takes my breath away. Dave and I have desperately awaited his laughter, but as with smiling, he's doing it as he's ready, in his time. And then, after all of our anticipation, we just gape at him like we did not believe it would ever actually happen.
That night, for a long time I was bouncing and humming to him (our ritual for putting him to sleep). Finally, I gave Dave a turn. As soon as Haven was in Dave's arms, sans a single bounce, he closed his eyes and put his head down. WHAT?! Probably cause once Daddy decides it's time for Haven to sleep, he doesn't stop bouncing until Haven is enveloped by z's. I sometimes get distracted by watching Haven watch himself in the mirror, or by smelling his hair or, well, trying to make him laugh.
That's it. I've gone on and on. This was more of a slice than a nicely constructed pie.
I liked this post. It made me feel happy inside.
I love it! Even though I haven't seen you for YEARS, I feel like I'm privvy to little sneak peaks like this. So sweet.
I told Jet the other day that if I were to run into you again after all these years, I think we could easily pick up a conversation. And all because of the Blog World. :)
Christin, I agree! Can you believe it's almost been 10 years since our DTS?!
What an adorably sweet post! I love the picture too.
What fun! Thanks for making us smile. :)
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