Nursing is an experience. The first weeks of breastfeeding - or, rather, cringing and reaching for a bottle - were tumultuous. Eventually, somehow, Haven and I adjusted to it and it is now relaxing for both of us.
Recently Dave noticed that I ask him to get me stuff all the time while I'm nursing. Water. The remote. My book. A gourmet meal. A pair of socks, and I promise, that's all I need.
"I notice you're ordering me around a lot. Do you wait until you're nursing to decide you want something?" Who, me? No, it's when I'm just sitting there that I have a moment to realize I'm hungry, thirsty ... needy.
So nursing is good. It's easy. It's the always-ready food that requires no bottles, bottle warmers, trips to the store, clean dishes ... etc. It gives me time to stare at Haven. It gives me time to think. It give me a reason to boss Dave around (no, I'm kidding. I am).
Pumping, on the other hand, is a different animal. First of all, electric pumps ar
e loud. If I pump at home, I watch television with the subtitles on - this is mildly entertaining. When I pump at work, I close my blinds, lock my office door and sit there watching the bottle fill, drip by drip. I stare at my yellow walls and cheap art. Pumping is not relaxing, nurturing or heart warming. Dave does not bring me things when I'm sitting in my office attached to a machine.

The one perk to the black hole of pumping is that Haven appreciates it. I know he does. His teacher has told me he guzzles down the breast milk bottles but ruefully and with a bad attitude takes small sips of formula until he's had enough. Also, when I make his cereal with breast milk he eats it ravenously with a smile. When it's made with water, most of it ends up inside the pocket on his bib and he tosses me confused looks.
So, if you ever hear a humming sound coming out of my office, it's this yellow machine. No, I'm not buzzing my beard. I'm not shaving my legs. I'm not practicing on the kazoo. I'm pumping. Feel free to yell through the door, I could use the entertainment.
I laughed like a possessed woman the entire time I read this! I do that EXACT thing when I'm nursing: enlist the help of "errand boy" to do my bidding. I figure he's happy to do it. I carry them 9 months, I birth them, I nourish them. The LEAST he can do in this whole raising-of-the-infant is be at my beck-and-call. Can I get an "AMEN"?! :)
Um, yeah. Me again. :)
BUT I do have to say that I LOVE pumping because it's like WATCHING the calories fall off of you.
"oh...there goes another 5...and another..."
One of my midwife friends once told me that nursing was equivalent to running a couple of miles. Can't locate the data to back it up this instant. But I won't argue it!! :) happy pumping.
I loved bossing people around when I was nursing! HAHAHA I forgot all about that. I never experienced the pumping aspect. Lucky you (or me).
This brought back memories of the first time I used a breast pump after Josiah was born. It was within the crazy, hormonal first week, and he had lost too much of his birth rather than supplement with formula, I decided I would just pump. After I finally figured out how the whole thing worked, I watched in shock and awe as milk squirted out of my body into these plastic things. I could not believe how much I looked like a cow!!!
I admire your determination to pump at work, and I hope Haven one day thanks you for those precious drops of liquid gold you're giving him! :)
Chrstin - AMEN! and ... I've heard from a friend that you burn 400 calories a day nursing! Whether that's an exact number or not I'm happy - what a great way to burn calories while sitting on my butt!
The term BOOB TUBE comes from the fact that excessive TV watching "dumbs you down", thus making you a BOOB. So, BOOBS watch the BOOB TUBE.
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