We had the dumb luck to sit next to loud mouthed punk who belted lyrics along with Damien - off key, of course. He booed some songs. He pumped his arm like a maniac to others. We almost slapped some duct tape over his lips. The few Looks I threw him earned me a glance at his date, who looked like she might crawl under the seat.
Dave got us the tickets as a mutual gift for our anniversary, which was a few weeks prior. We've decided to alternate planning anniverary fun and this year was my turn. We went to Hoboken (a city across the river from NYC) and had massages and went to dinner. I feel like I already wrote about this ... maybe I'm being redundant, but it was just a lot of fun. Maybe I'm ready for another non-student, non-mommy night out of the house.
I miss Dave already. He's taking the youth group on a trip this week and the H-factor (aka Haven, Pumps, Munchkin Head...maybe my nic names aren't very nice...anyhoo) and I are home. We're booked each day and we have visitors coming, but nobody beats Dave. We'll miss him.
Are we so glad we live in or near a city that offers so much? I don't know who this singer is, I know shame on me, perhaps it has something to do with the fact the only romantic thing I ever do is... okay, I don't do anything romantic. Anyhow, great post. Was right there with you. I wouldn't have slugged that guy next to you.
Oh yes! Mitch has been known to stare a group of 12 year olds down in a movie theatre if they so much as giggle at the wrong time!!!
I'm glad to hear that you are getting out and about for non-mommy nights. Woohoo!! I wish I had learned that early on.
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