May I remind you I have a four-month old son, whom I desperately love and want to stare at for hours at a time. For obvious reasons:

I am not super woman. I do not have special powers. This schedule is wearing me down. I'm not loving it. I love aspects of it, which is what keeps me going. I love the idea of having my license to be a therapist - so I continue with school and my internship. Dave and I are brainstorming about how we could make some changes to this schedule ... if you think of us and you pray ... please pray for guidance for us.
Until then ... if you see a blur go past your window, wave, it's probably me.
If I see a blur? You must be stalking me! Hang in there, Jen. Your superpowers are being honed! Love you. I'll pray for you.
WOW! You are superwoman. I may work outside of the home but I am also not going to school. Hang in there and enjoy every minute of your weekends!!! Keep us posted on how things are going!
Jet's in the same boat as you are: full time job. school. hopes of a better career. Essentially a madness of Stepping Stones to get where we want to be as adults and parents. My motto...just keep the goal in mind. One day life won't be this insane. (question is: do I really think life with children will ever really be ...uh, normal?) ;)
May God give you wisdom to balance ...shuffle a bit...and enjoy it all.
I just finished going back through both your blogs (preggo and this one), and now I'm caught up! It's fun to see Christin's comments, since I know her and don't know you. :) But we're united by a common friend, a common faith, and a common situation of marriage and that's good enough for me!
Are you ever going to post Haven's birth story? Not that I'm trying to add one more thing to your to-do list, but it sure would be interesting to read all about it! I'm sure the people closer to you know it already, but the rest of us don't! :)
Wow, in your present situation, I don't have any words of wisdom--only a wish and a prayer that you will find the balance you need and that you'll be equipped to fulfill your obligations to the best of your ability--as well as the insight to know what can be dropped. Since we moved back to the States about a year and a half ago, I've had two break-down times (I think just two!) of feeling like I just couldn't handle it. Something had to give. So I asked myself and my husband what could be eliminated. Even small changes help!
You mentioned getting your house professionally cleaned once before Haven was born. Do you still have a cleaning lady? If not, could you get one--maybe for every other week?
I don't know...I sure don't have the answers! I OFTEN feel like a juggler, with too many plates in the air, and they keep crashing down around my head.
Oh, one other thing that helped me, especially in the days when Josiah, my firstborn, was very young, was to tell myself, "Josiah only has one 7th day of life," or "Josiah only has one 15th day of life," etc. That little mantra helped me to focus on what was most important--and to celebrate and appreciate each day and to make it a good one for my son.
Obviously, I think your son's middle name is the best! :)
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