What strikes me is the amount of space people think they need. What double strikes me is the attitude of these people, like they couldn't possibly do without five rooms per person in the family. Since the show takes place all over the US, the budgets do not seem exhorbitant -- but no budget seems exhorbitant to me after house shopping in North Jersey where you might get a 3 bedroom cape cod for less than $400k. What gets me is that American mindset that more is always better.
A few weeks ago the show featured a family who had "outgrown" their 3-bedroom house when their first baby was born. (WHAT?!) Suddenly there were baby toys where the Daddy used to play and he needed his own gigantic space to himself again. Mommy complained that she desperately needed a new house, like, yesterday. Suddenly the expanse of the living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, garage and family room was cramped with the entry of this 7-pound person. Really?
What about being content with what you have? It brings peace to life. It highlights the important things. No, this thinking is not how I make myself feel better after glancing around our 4-room apartment after shutting off the television. I mean it. There will always be more - there will always be a bigger house, a nicer yard, a fancier you-name-it. We could easily spread out our junk in twice as much space as we now have, and one day we will. It will make us more comfortable, sure, but it couldn't make us any more happy.
If only the rest of the free world shared your outlook.
AND if you ARE looking for a house. There's one in MY "Mayberry" neighborhood. Been on the market for quite some time, so you'd be able to get a good deal. And trust me, we have Plenty of crazy people for you to counsel. so you'll feel right at home. promise. ;)
I used to feel the exact same way when I would watch house hunters.(3 times a day). It is insane how they would always say things like, "Randy has loved the location and rustic charm of his 2 bedroom bachelor pad tucked away on three acres of land. But now that he and Sheila have tied the knot they are looking for a 5 bedroom house closer to the beach with plenty of room for their 2 dogs to play." They will then proceed to turn down 2 houses that are amazing and in the lower end of their price range because there isn't the fireplace in the bedroom that Shelia had her heart set on or because there is a pool that they are afraid their kids will drown in once they start their family. AAAAAAAAAAAh!
I just wanted to thank you for that e-mail you sent me! It really helped and I am praying every day on if this is something I should do or not. I am glad that I have "met" you here in blogger land! Someday I want to visit NYC and I will have to let you know when I make it there!
You are so right!!!
In Israel we three (hubby, first son, me) lived in a 736 sq. ft. apartment...and were happy. :)
Here we have much more room...and are still happy...but not happier than we were there. In fact, there's a whole lot more house to clean, lose stuff in, need to organize, etc!
Perspective is definitely the key. Thanks for helping me adjust mine through your insightful writing.
great post Jen. and you are SO right. we have four kids and a four bedroom house - I do sometimes want a bigger house (with an big enormous rumpus room for the kids) and I do sometimes envy those who have MORE than us.
But , really, those things are not what's important in life!
As long as my two boys have seperate rooms life will work out--otherwise they may kill each other. That's all we need... that and of course a 90,000 gallon pool... just rooms for the boys, a huge pool and a big family room. We don't need anything else. That and maybe a master bath would be nice... just rooms for the boys, a pool, family room and a master bath. That's all we need!!! And I was also thinking...
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